Dear Mawaki, you did what you should do, and we should all thank you for
your effort. Unfortunately short-term decisions (particularly seeking
broad consensus) rarely work well through mailing lists. And we are all
volunteers here, which further aggravates efficacy of the whole thing.
I do hope more people join to help us all to devise better ways to do
our debate and decision-making. As chair, I would really appreciate this
in order to do a better job.
[] fraterno
Mawaki Chango wrote:
>Dear Carlos,
>I regret this debate (including your previous posting), and I suspect
>things would have been better if the reactions to this call came
>earlier enough to leave room for fine tuning last minute negotiations
>and for a more consensual conclusion. Our responsibility to all of us
>is involved here one way or the other, but while I'll still carry out
>mine as GNSO Councillor, I feel I'd better not volunteer the next
>time for this type of situation within NCUC and leave the
>responsibility to mobilize the constituency where it belongs.
>I am aware that people don't necessarily agree when they don't
>express themeselves while they are invited to, but I tend to think
>that they take the responsibility to be counted as endorsing what is
>being said or done on their behalf - and they accept such
>I just went through the GNSO constituency questionaire, and realized
>that this is not the first time I'm looking at them; my silence so
>far means: I can't think of anything else to add to it. If someone
>does, that's great; let us see the final/latest result. Otherwise, I
>accept the responsibility to be associated to the questionnaire as it
>Best regards,
>--- Carlos Afonso <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Near consensus? Several members did not express their positions in
>>list. In any case, you can say it represents the position of a
>>of the ones who did participate.
>>NCUC is not very participative these days -- I still need help on
>>GNSO constituency questionnaire, and no one replied so far (since
>>Dec.19, 2005).
>>Mawaki Chango wrote:
>>>Dear Olof,
>>>Kindly find attached the above metioned statement that I wish to
>>>submit to the GNSO on behalf of the NCUC.
>>>Please note that it is _nearly_ a consensus position, failing one
>>>voice. In any case, this is the aproved result by an overwhelming
>>>majority from our discussions on the topic.
>>>Best regards,
Carlos A. Afonso
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