Tx you, Alex, for the posting.
Takedowns is a growing issue, and Verisign's announcement builds upon
meetings that international law enforcement representatives held with
registries and registrars last year. Verisign is asking for takedown
powers. Also, working with the Serious Organized Crime Agency of the UK,
Nominet (.UK) has issued a draft recommendation giving it takedown
authority in cases of alleged serious crime.
http://www.nominet.org.uk/news/latest?contentId=8617 (public comment
period technically over).
The direction is clear - this is what law enforcement wants. The
question we can influence, I think, will be process:
- How can we ensure that only the most serious crime is subject to this
rapid takedown process?
- How can we ensure free speech/freedom of expression websites are
exempt ("The policy should exclude suspension where issues of freedom of
expression are central aspects of the disputed issue," Nominet)?
- How can we ensure a very rapid appeal for when mistakes occur?
- How can we help the good faith domain name registrants know where to
go for help?
Kathy (Kleiman)
> No court order necessary
> By Kevin Murphy
> 11th October 2011
> <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/10/11/verisign_asks_for_web_takedown_powers/>