Hi, Please send additions/omissions/whatever. http://ncdnhc.org/events/ncsg-policy-meeting-20-april I Review GNSO agenda items Item 2: GNSO Improvements (20 Minutes) 2.1 OSC Communication & Coordination (CCT) WT Recommendations http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/cct-consolidated-report-final-09apr10-en.pdf https://st.icann.org/gnso-council/index.cgi?21_april_motions 2.2 OCS GNSO Council Operations WT Recommendations https://st.icann.org/gnso-council/index.cgi?21_april_motions Item 3. whois Item 4: Prioritization of GNSO work (30 minutes) http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/wpmg-section-6-and-annex-09apr10-en.pdf https://st.icann.org/gnso-council/index.cgi?21_april_motions4.4.2 6.3 Mike Rodenbaugh motion regarding the VeriSign .net Registry Services proposal for a Domain Name Exchange service https://st.icann.org/gnso-council/index.cgi?21_april_motions6.3.2 II ICM - Does the NCSg want to take a position III Issues from Working Groups and Working Teams 1. IDNG and confusing similarity 2. VI status 3. Council Operations 4. .... IV Status of NCSG Charter process and review of charter https://st.icann.org/ncsg-ec/index.cgi?ncsg_proposed_charter V. Meeting time sanity check Note: anyone needing to be called out to needs to send me the number to be called