Just because NCSG councillors supported the formation of the WG and our
members engaged in its work does not mean that we are bound as an SG to
support the outcomes, particularly if the report from our members was that
both the process of the WG and the outcomes are deeply flawed. Voting No to
throw out the current draft because it is too deeply flawed sends a message
that bad "legislation" should never be adopted just because a lot of work has
gone into its creation. Too much of that goes in in national parliaments. A
motion to throw out the current draft as unworkable and take a new approach
by starting off with discussions with the other SOs and other stakeholders is
a sensible acceptance of failure. Those who cannot accept failure in the past
and move on from it are doomed to continue to fail and fail more badly than
those who accept their failures and learn from them.
Professor Andrew A Adams [log in to unmask]
Professor at Graduate School of Business Administration, and
Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan