Dear all,
Today Article19 released the Policy Brief ICANN’s Corporate
Responsibility to Respect Human Rights. You can find it here:
The paper contains an analysis and recommendations on what ICANN would
need to do to comply with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights and the human rights due diligence process. To do this
ICANN should:
1. weigh the human rights impact of its policies and procedures;
2. develop strategies to ensure that staff and other stakeholders
understand this impact;
3. develop and articulate a human rights policy, and make sure employees
and other stakeholders know, understand and implement it;
4. develop metrics to monitor ICANN’s human rights performance.
I hope this will form a good input for the discussion on ICANN and Human
Rights coming Wednesday in Singapore.
Perhaps you would want to share the paper as well as the flyer for the
session in your networks and on relevant (ICANN) lists. I am attaching
all docs here for your convenience.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions.
Niels ten Oever
Head of Digital
Article 19
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