Dicta conferencia Sr. Diego Acosta, Hacia una gobernanza democrática e
inclusiva en #cibersociedad2017.
2017-09-28 10:26 GMT-04:00, Renata Aquino Ribeiro <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hi all
> I'd second Rafik's nomination
> However, as Heather is already a candidate, I think it is in good
> measure to send questions to this candidate too.
> So my suggestion:
> "NCPH is planning its intersessional in the US and has had a meeting
> deemed as a success by the majority of candidates last year. Yet,
> during that meeting a theme of discussion was the role of GNSO in
> policymaking and ALAC and GAC overreach. Again, this theme has been
> proposed for the new intersessional. How do you see GNSO role in
> policymaking and overreach by GAC and ALAC and what are actions you
> foresee the group studying in this scenario?"
> Thanks
MSc. Reynaldo Alonso Reyes
Presidente de la Unión de Informáticos de Cuba en Camaguey
Universidad de Camaguey
"Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz", Camaguey, Cuba
Telef. (53)(32) 234226
(53) 52112116
email: [log in to unmask][log in to unmask]