Resent as a reminder for your information
**Sent on behalf of GNSO Chair Sebastien Ducos
Dear SG/C Chairs,
We would like to draw your attention to the additional time that has
been carved out during the GNSO Council session at ICANN77 to continue
our GNSO Town Hall experiment (see
<>). This time around it is not as a
standalone session, but as part of the GNSO Council meeting on Wednesday
14 June. As you know, this is an opportunity for you and your groups to
bring any topic or input you may have on ongoing GNSO work to the
attention of the GNSO Council. In addition, the Council would be
interested to hear your perspective on how to best address the recent
trend of attrition in GNSO Working Group participation - a topic that
was also discussed during the recent GNSO Policy Webinar.
Please encourage your members to attend and engage with the GNSO Council
– we look forward to seeing you at ICANN77.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Sebastien Ducos
GNSO Council Chair