Could you tell us who will be on (was on?) the call.



At 10:08 AM -0500 12/5/03, Milton Mueller wrote:
>NCUC Executive Committee Agenda.
>December 5, 2003 
>10:30 am US East Coast time
>4:30 pm Germany
>10:30 pm Philippines
>1. Budget/finances report
>2. Make a decision about terms of Council members
>3. Make a decision about Secretary-Treasurer
>4. Allocating some money to Whois TF
>5. Make a decision about Africa representation on EC
>6. Make a decision and/or define a process to pick a NCUC
>    representative to the PIR Advisory Committee
>7. Charter revisions
>8. Membership expansion
>9. Plans for Rome
>10. Schedule next session
