On Sat, 7 Aug 2004, Adam Peake wrote:

> Horacio,
> By "birthing another ICANN" do you mean the way the initial board
> miraculously appeared? Apparently selected by John Postel, but over
> time we learn that it was more likely the result of a few governments
> making selections?
> Do you think the same thing might happen with the working group, that
> governments might make our selections for us? (the final decision is
> clearly with Kofi Annan anyway, but names given to him by governments
> and some insiders?)

  I am actually more comfortable with governments doing the selection
than with businesses doing them.  I want to prevent WGIG from "birthing
another ICANN" that is stacked with business interests.

> I think that must be a concern, but Markus Kummer has been extremely
> open and I am very much inclined to trust him. And we can help him by
> responding to his calls for contributions: on what we think the
> working group should look like (including the types of people who
> should be members), how it should operate, and names.  But to be
> clear, I heard him emphasize the former over specific names at the
> moment (at the moment.)

  I am sure that he is being deluged with names right now.  He did say
that he was after people who were willing to listen and communicate
with each other. I do hope he is emphasizing characteristics of the
members rather than particular names and personalities.  Although,
the name of Tim Berners-Lee did crop up in our talk with Kummer.

* Horacio T. Cadiz    | Open Source. No Gates. No Windows.  *
* hcadiz AT ph.net    | It is Open. No Bill. It is Free.    *
*       Philippine Network Foundation, Inc (PHNET)          *