Hi All:
I am a bit outside the loop on this, but it seems to me that the role of NCUC
should be to set out names of people who a) have some connection with the
NCUC, b) have a record of representing our views and concerns, and c) understand
the Internet governance issues involved ICANN and DNS very well.  (I am also
assuming that other organizations will submit qualified names too.  So we
should find someone to represent us.)

On these three criteria, I wanted to review the 3 Americans on the policy
First, Susan Crawford seems to meet all three criteria, to some degree.  She
has a connection with NCUC.  She is a fellow (I think) with CDT, one of our
members.  While she does not always represent our views within the ICANN
structure, she always makes a point of stopping me at ICANN meetings and inquiring
into the NCUC positions.  She is increasing writing about things from a
noncommercial point of view. Further, she certainly understand the workings of ICANN
(good parts and flaws) very well.

Pamela Samuelson, like Susan, is an academic, and I served with her on the
USACM Executive Committee.  She always seemed to be extremely absorbed in the
copyright matters (for good reason, these are important issues) and not very
interested in the ICANN presentations I made.  Before proceeding with her name, I
would strongly suggest that someone ask if she is interested, and what time
she would commit to coming up to speed on the issues. I don't think she follows
the NCUC or ICANN much, if at all.

Bill Drake is interesting.  I have worked with him in the past, and I am
disappointed that he has not sought to work with us in the NCUC.  But looking at
the 3 criteria I have set out:  a)  Bill has no relationship (that I know of)
to the NCUC; b) he has no record of representing NCUC views or concerns; c) I
have never seen him at an ICANN meeting or seen him post to an ICANN list or
express formal (or informal comments) on pending ICANN matters.  I would think
that as an NCUC name, we might want someone who (like us) knows the day to day
problems of working within the ICANN structure as well as the dangers of
departing from it.  Nothing right now gives me assurances about Bill.

Sorry for the long email.  Thanks for reading, Kathy