...from Asia.

Kilnam Chon is someone well known in Asia and should be
considered for the technical slot. He received his Ph.D in computer
science from University of California, Los Angeles in 1974, which
makes him a contemporary of Vint Cerf.

He joined Korea Institute of Electronics Technology in 1979 to work on
computer system development, and moved to Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology in 1982 as a professor in Computer Science
Department.  He  developed the first Internet in Asia, called SDN in
1982, and organized the first Internet conference called PCCS in 1985.He
helped to form various regional organizations in the Internet such as
APNG, APAN and APTLD, of which he is the founding chair.  He also
co-chaired one of the first attempts to achieve internationalization of
the Internet, the Coordination Committee of Intercontinental Research

Izumi Aizu is another person we should consider for the Asia
policy position. He is from Japan, well-known in the At-Large mechanism
of ICANN. One can read his bio here