Hey there Adam and all -

From:         Adam Peake <[log in to unmask]>

>I just thought you might have shown you'd taken things a little more
>seriously. It's an IM session, I'm not talking about emoticons and
>stuff, but some serious discussion, and there's not a lot of that.

I take full responsibility for the emoticon madness and any silliness
in the chat. I would like to point out in our defense, however, that
we were waiting to see if other members would join and were stalling
a bit throughout with the hope that they would. The three of us
really wanted to hear from the others regarding their thoughts on the
names - they weren't able to join and we've had to hear from them
over e-mail.  I think we did have the necessary conversations about
the process and the names; some of the pieces you see as missing were
covered by the descriptions when the names were submitted to the NCUC
discuss list.

Anyway, hope this clears things up a bit.  We weren't trying to make
light of the process - we were taking the decisions seriously, only
trying not to get frustrated with the hour + that we sat there
waiting hopefully and getting kicked off MSN. :)

>Anyway, the people on the list are good.  I have reservations about
>Karl (stated) but most people disagree with me.  Fine, he should stay
>on the list.

I'm glad you're happy with the rest of the names. :)

Best, F


Frannie Wellings
Policy Fellow, the Electronic Privacy Information Center   ~
Director, The Public Voice    ~   http://www.thepublicvoice.org

1718 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 200
Washington, D.C.  20009

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