I've gotten no objections to the list and no member response to
my suggestion to replace Wilson with Klein. So I will publicize
the list as it came out of the EC. After announcing the names,
I will prepare a report that includes the biographical and
professional information about the nominees, and present
this to Kummer in person when I am in Geneva at the WGIG
consultation Sept. 20-21.


>>> Milton Mueller <[log in to unmask]> 09/06/04 11:01 PM >>>
We've had several expressions of support for the list of
nominees and no objections so far. Let's fix the next 24
hours as a deadline for any further comment - after that
point, I will release the list to the public.


>>> Marc Schneiders <[log in to unmask]> 9/6/2004 10:40:37 AM >>>
I support the list as it is. I do not know all people personally, but
I think it is exemplary that we together got such a list compiled. I
have lots of faith in it. Thanks for those who did the 'winnowing'.

Marc Schneiders
GNSO Council Rep for the NCUC