>>> Carlos Afonso <[log in to unmask]> 12/21/2004 7:58:02 AM >>>
>I feel civil society representation in the ICANN structure is
>not progressing well, and I do not think the solution will come
>from the at-large approach, trying to work with the generic
>"user" as the constituency.

Currently we can "hedge our bets" by pursuing both options. Some
organizations are members of both (NCUC and ALAC) others find one or the
other more suitable.

>So we have to make NCUC stronger, and above all more
>representative, I guess. However, this has limitations too --
>NCUC has a mandate to "bug" GNSO. How could we extend this?

By "how could we extend this" do you mean how could we extend the
mandate of NCUC (i.e., NGOs within ICANN) to policy issues beyond
generic domain names?

If that is what you mean we did discuss this in capetown and three
ideas were proposed:

1. Always have a major joint meeting with ALAC at all future ICANN
2. Develop a joint statement on ICANN with ALAC and WSIS-CS
participants in the Internet Governance Caucus.
3. Develop some issue networks on email lists that span NCUC, ALAC, and

I intend to initiate the #2 process soon.
