I just wanted to briefly update the list on the discussion from today's
GNSO policy council tele-conference.  Here are the main points:

The Whois Task Force will "explore a 3-tier approach" for evaluating who
  may access personal information of domain name registrants.

The ICANN staff will be working to organize a series of tele-conference
meetings with all the Constituencies in the coming weeks regarding the
ICANN Strategic Plan.

On Feb. 7-8, 2005, ICANN will hold a "consultative workshop" on its
Strategic Plan (probably in Amsterdam).  Members of ICANN
constituencies, liaisons, and counselors are invited to attend.
Marilyn Cade said that there are opportunities to present different
viewpoints on the Strategic Plan at this workshop.

A resolution was passed to initiate an issues report on the "problems
caused by contention for domain names made available by a gTLD
registry", so that Council can subsequently decide if a policy
development process is appropriate.

Marc, please add to or correct this summary as you see fit.  Thanks!
