dear franiie

I won't be attending but would like to be able to contribute

do you have an agenda at this point? ideas of what you'll be discussing?


At 14:46 23/03/2005, Frannie Wellings wrote:
>Hi all,
>The NCUC-ALAC joint meeting will now take place on Monday, April 4th
>from 4pm to 6pm.  ICANN is reserving a room for this meeting and has
>placed it on the agenda entitled, ""Joint public At Large Advisory
>Committee - Non-Commercial Users Constituency meeting." They will
>hopefully add the explanatory line "Open discussion over civil
>society representation and participation in ICANN." [Note: It was
>previously scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, but that time's now
>reserved for discussion of the strategic plan.]
>I'm wondering if 11-1 on Tuesday might be a good time for the NCUC
>meeting.  Any thoughts?
>So here's a bit of the schedule:
>4pm-6pm ALAC-NCUC open discussion
>11-1 NCUC meeting???
>1-4 WSIS Workshop (to be webcast)
>4:30-6:30 Public Discussion of Strategic Plan
>*  *  *  *
>Frannie Wellings
>Free Press
>Washington DC Office