I do support the transfer too.

Harold Feld <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I would support the transfer.


At 09:00 PM 3/6/2005, Frannie Wellings wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I think it would make sense for the NCUC to use ncuc.org (instead of
>ncdnhc.org). YJ Park owns ncuc.org and I've asked her if she would
>transfer it to the GNSO Secretariat. She said that if NCUC
>constituents would like to use the domain then she might be okay with
>this transfer.
>As the request should really come from members of the constituency
>rather than just me, can some of you just please write and let me
>know if you do want this to happen?
>Much appreciated,
>* * * *
>Frannie Wellings
>Free Press
>Washington DC Office

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