Unless you guarantee me that you personally are going to use the line,
or someone else on this list does, I am going to tell Glen to not set it
up. It saps our credibility to ask for resources and not use them. \

Dr. Milton Mueller
Syracuse University School of Information Studies

>>> Frannie Wellings <[log in to unmask]> 06/23/05 10:21 AM >>>
I would tell them yes... we should at least have it available just in
case.  Would be great if they could pay for a toll free conferencing
line, too, for both the ALAC and NCUC.


Milton Mueller wrote:

>ICANN staff wants to know whether we need or want a telephone line for
>remote participation in the Luxembourg constituency meeting. If you
>to monitor or participate in our meeting remotely, please let me know
>immediately. thanks
>Dr. Milton Mueller
>Syracuse University School of Information Studies