
> the world is run by the people who show up.

This is a great one-liner! And it's true. Since you do actually "show up" for us I treat your opinion with great respect. 

Of course we both agree that we need to show up. The question is what is the best way to support that. 

I understand the benefits of guaranteed ICANN money (assuming that you can get it). But I'd like to see at least some recognition of the downside of becoming dependent on a source of money that has no connection to our own members or supporters, with all that implies for accountability, incentives, etc. over the long term. I'm kind of surprised that others don't seem to be the slightest bit concerned with this.

>We may not be "capturable" under the existing model, but our 
>lack of funding creates the same result: the IP and business 
>constituencies drive the discussions and ultimately set the rules. 

Can you say that ALAC has "driven the discussions" and "set the rules" more than we have? I would say that we are even on that score, and perhaps much more proactive and shaping on certain issues than they are. But look at all the travel money they get from ICANN. 

What happens now is that the bulk of the support we have comes from people who give a damn and are dedicated to a cause. I.e., it comes out of our own asses. Every once in a while those people succeed in getting contributions. Not a great system, but it keeps us honest. 

As you probably learned from the Whois discussions in GNSO Council, you have to do more than show up to drive discussions. The structure of the GNSO, which gives the Axis 3 constituencies, is part of the problem. The economic interests of the players is another. There's a lot of background politicking and ultimately the people who represent us have to be as sharp, well-prepared as our opponents. Money alone can't buy that. 

Back in the old days, when Markle and Ford were spending big money to send NCDNHC people to ICANN meetings, our influence was less than it is now. We had a lot of people purporting to represent us who just wanted a travel grant. 

I agree, at this moment those downside concerns are secondary to the more pressing needs. So go ahead and push for it. I won't oppose. But consider other sources of funding as well. And don't take our autonomy and integrity for granted, some of us had to work very hard to retain it.