I am at the .mobi PAB meeting and learned the same news from a regisrtry operator last night. However, the news is not so bad becuase I don't think Cade can get the support of registries, and I cannot see why the registrars would support her. Without either or those constituencies she can't win, it is just like the Whois vote. 

Some are floating Diop's name, but I think Geist would be more effective. 

If Cade is the alternative, Geist will win.

>>> Carlos Afonso <[log in to unmask]> 4/27/2006 9:53 AM >>>
Marilyn Cade, the chief lobbyist for the right wing DRM+IPR juggernaut 
(the Axis, as Robin calls them), wants Michael Palage's seat.

She has quit the NomCom to run for the Board. There is a possibility the 
GNSO council might block this on the grounds she was on the NomCom and I 
guess there must be a sort of "grace period" (at least ethically 
speaking) before she runs for the Board.

Bad news, anyway. We need support for Michael, but in desperation we 
might have to support Tonkin in the event of his candidacy if Michael's 
does not float.

frt rgds



Carlos A. Afonso
diretor de planejamento
Rits -- http://www.rits.org.br 

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