A huge three cheers for our NCUC Council representatives -- Norbert, Robin and Mawaki -- who led a successful fight (against many odds) to win today!  A huge amount of work went on behind the scenes to educate and share ideas with others on Council.  I have never been more pleased with ICANN.

Thank you!  Kathy

Dear NCUC colleagues,

just a short note after the GNSO Council teleconference (in which also
Robin Gross and Mawaki Chango participated, the other two NCUC delegates):

One agenda item was to handle the two WHOIS purpose drafts, where
Formulation 1 had been preferred over Formulation 2 by us  (and those
who had been pressing for Formulation 2  withdrew it in Wellington - we
had a third text today, which was supposed to be an amendment replacing
1 and 2.

First this "amendment" was voted down 17 to 9, and then the original
Formulation 1 was voted in 18 to 9 - basically from the registries,
registrars, the three Nomination Committee appointees, and our NCUC
votes, while the Business, Intellectual Property, and ISP constituencies
were in the minority during the vote.

There were again several suggestions NOT to vote which would have led to
a further delay as so often before - especially also an intervention
from an observer/guest in the GNSO Council (I want to clarify the status
later) of the US government representative on the GAC, who cautioned
against a hasty vote (on an issue which is going on for 7 years already,
and has been on the respective Task Force list and open for public
comments at different stages).