>>> Adam Peake <[log in to unmask]> 4/14/2006 6:56 AM >>>
>How did Bruce Tonkin vote?

Bruce voted the right way, of course. Bruce has been actively giving us information about the approach to privacy in Australian national law and the reasonable approach to whois in .AU. This Australian government rep. is way out of line and needs to be challenged, directly. 

A letter should be sent to her saying:

1. Why do Australia's national laws say [_____]. Are you contradicting AU national policy or suggesting that its laws be changed? 

2. Why are you supporting Form. 2 when .au has a whois policy and purpose that corresponds to Form 1? 

3. If GAC itself has not come to a unified position on Form. 1 vs. 2 (and we know that it has not), what relevance does your position have? 

I would like for this message to be conveyed to her as an official inquiry from NCUC and copied to all GAC members. If GAC can request that its propaganda be sent tot he GNSO Council, why can't we do likewise.