We are the swing vote -- we decide the outcome :-)!
Might I suggest that we invite Philip and Rita to join us for a 1/2 or  so
discussion during our Constituency meeting in Marrakech -- perhaps 
later in the afternoon (around 5pm or so)? 


Shall we also invite Avri (who, as the person who seconded Michael 
Geist was probably the 4th vote for him)?  She might enjoy talking 
F2F with them.
This is a great time to build bridges!

> The results of the first round of voting for the ICANN  Board
> seat # 14 are:
> Rita Rodin 12 votes
> Philip Sheppard  11 votes
> Michael Geist 4 votes
> 21 Ballots received and  a total of 27 votes cast.
> The second round of voting will  proceed as set out in the
> Election
>  procedure:
> Rita Rodin and Philip Sheppard will appear on the ballot in
> the  second
> round.
> Michael Geist is eliminated because he  received the lowest
> non-zero
> number of  votes.