Dear NCUCers,

Based on the Marrakesh schedules, I'm expecting a takeoff, or a
momentum, in the IDN policy development within the ICANN
community. So I'd like to share with the latest issues report
prepared by the GNSO staff on the matter, and my personal
comments so far. I hope it will be useful to those who will be
in Marrakesh, for your meaningful participation in the meetings
on IDN, while I encourage and welcome online inputs from all of
you if you will, especially those not attending Marrakesh.

Best, and safe trips.


P.S. As I made it clear to my peer councillors, I'm not speaking
here on behalf of NCUC, and what I joyfully call policy "axioms"
are just tentative policy principles I'm suggesting the Council
to consider in its relevant PDP work and, possibly, to the staff
to consider in the next iteration of the issues report.