>>> Danny Younger <[log in to unmask]> 9/17/2006 5:15:16 PM >>>
>-- Civil Society, including the current NCUC, but also
>ordinary domain holders, and possibly individuals
>currently represented via the At Large Advisory
>Committee of ICANN.

In general, the tripartite approach could be better, but we have to be
careful here. E.g., what is an "ordinary domain holder"? Does it
include, e.g., Marilyn Cade, who has a personal domain? Also, ALAC was
supposed to represent individual domain name holders. Why are
individuals who are NOT part of ALAC definitely included, but those
represented via ALAC only "possibly" included?

And as Robin notes there are unacceptable proposals about the
distribution of power among the three constituencies.

Giving a veto to ANY constituency will completely paralyze the GNSO, by
the way.