Karls position is all rhetoric and no substance. 

>>> Danny Younger <[log in to unmask]> 9/15/2006 5:11:02 PM >>>
>"Do we really believe that these operators need
>"presumptive renewal" to give them the incentive to
>maintain the quality of their TLD businesses so that
>they can continue to attract and retain customers? 

Yes, I really do. If you tell me that I don't own my house after 5
years, at which point some organization called HouseCANN is going to
roll the dice and decide whether I get to keep it, I am going to be very
cagey about what I invest in that house. I will NOT put any money into
it that doesn't reap a short-term return. And I will also spend a hell
of a lot of time lobbying, and possibly bribing or corrupting, the board
of HouseCANN. Every day they will get a brochure telling them how great
a house administrator I am. I will buy off every GNSO constituency I
can. etc., etc.