Re: Was anyone at the hearing? Any comments?

While I was not a the hearings, I did listen to the
webcast and have the following observation.

I was struck by the comments made at the hearing
pertaining to the website (the
Senator is not the registrant) -- it occured to me
that if anyone, be it a Senator or just an ordinary
person, has a compelling reason to suggest a change in
ICANN policy, there is (at the moment) no formal
intake process by which policy recommendations may be
forwarded for review.

Let's say that the Senator believes that the UDRP
should be amended to allow for complaints other than
pure trademark issues, how would he go about proposing
a policy to ICANN and having his proposal vetted and
put into a queue for consideration?  

The GNSO Council has a defunct "Intake Committee" that
to my knowledge has never met -- rules regarding this
Committee are found here:

As we look at reforming the GNSO, we should probably
have a good look at establishing a viable policy
proposal intake process.

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