Hi Mawaki,

The current Registry-Registrar separation model is not
the only model currently in use.  The .int registry
does in fact act as a registrar with respect to that
TLD.  This is an important consideration in that it
serves the need of a very small community.

The NGO community is also a relatively small group. 
If someone wanted to sponsor .ngo as a new TLD, why
would you require such a sponsor to necessarily use
registrars?  Why couldn't the sponsor handle the
limited amount of registrations in exactly the same
manner as the .int registry?

I do not view it as prudent from a policy perspective
to shackle new TLD applicants with a particular
distribution model -- they should be free to propose
whatever they deem would work best, even if that means
that they will act as both registry and registrar.

Let them be free to test out a proof-of-concept approach.

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