Re:   "I know that our constituency has favored
auctions for commercial TLDs, and that registrars
have, so why has this idea disappeared?" 

here's the short answer...

The idea has disappeared because ICANN Staffer Liz
Williams has stated that her focus is on
"incorporating those [ideas] where there is majority
agreement".  See her note:

The concept of auctions received from her the status
"Recommendation supported by some participants" in her
letter to the Council -- see

As she does not view auctions as having majority
support, it has not been included in her Draft
Recommendations Summary.

By the way, I regard only citing purported majority
views as a lousy way forward for the GNSO as it
totally marginalizes minority views that may in fact
be held in high regard by members of the ICANN Board. 
I think the NCUC should demand a formal GNSO debate on

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