Time: 6.30 - 11.00 pm
Where: field of soccer in the Transamerica Hotel
Day: December 5

Teams: GAC / ALAC / LAC / Registrar Constituency / ICANN


7.00 - 7.15: ICANN vs. ALAC
7.15 - 7.30  LAC vs. GAC
7.30 - 7.45 Registries vs. ICANN
7.45 - 8.00 ALAC vs. LAC
8.00 - 8.15 GAC vs. Registries
8.15 - 8.30 ICANN vs. LAC
8.30 - 8.45 ALAC vs. GAC
8.45 - 9.00 Registries vs. LAC
9.00 - 9.15 ICANN vs. GAC
9.15 - 9.30 ALAC vs. Registries
9.30 - 9.50 First in Table vs. Third in Table [A]
9.50 - 10.10 Second in Table vs. Fourth in Table [B]
10.10 - 10.30 Looser A  vs. Looser B [3 and 4 places]
10.30 - 10.50 Winner A vs. Winner B [1 and 2 places]




The local host of ICANN Meeting in Sampa (San Pablo) confirmed that 
we will have a field for soccer, a grass field :)  [is in the hotel]

Remember this is the III Tournament. (First was in Mar del Plata, 
Second in Luxemburgo).

The Tournament is a good space for met with another people from 
different constituencies and groups, and have a good time together.

If you want to participate with your team, please contact with me for 
register your team. At this moment the Local Host have their team prepared :)

Erick Iriarte Ahon