Thanks, Robin, for your quick suggestions. Below is the second draft.



Agenda (draft 2)

1. Presentation of a list of persons presently serving in NCUC functions
-- including terms of service (excom, finance, delegation to GNSO
council, Working Groups/TFs, etc)

2. Discussion of  longer range NCUC personnel planning for outgoing
assignments (I am one of them some time)

3. Discussion about principled, targeted outreach to get some additional 
members into NCUC, including procedural/practical arrangements

4. Funding to establish minimal operational conditions -- from Icann?
 From which other sources?

5. Specific reports from TFs/Working Groups/GNSO Council reps.

6. Elections (NCUC representation in ICANN fora)

7. Specific cases to be resolved -- INTLNet (any other?)


Visitors to the NCUC meeting

1. PIR -- ?
2. NomCom -- Adam Peake and George Sadowsky
3. MINC -- Subbiah