>>> Carlos Afonso <[log in to unmask]> 12/13/2006 2:01 PM >>>
>So with this I am opening formally the process, taking note of
>candidates for the GNSO Council, and for the Exec Committee 
>as well (in my personal view, I would simply propose to re-elect 
>the Exec Committee unless anyone does not like it).

Not so easy, I'm afraid.

Iliya has already indicated that he will not and cannot run again for
EC. So, Europe is vacant. The desire of Olivier to run again as Africa
representative is unconfirmed. The desire of Frannie to run again as NA
is unconfirmed. Norbert is probably willing to represent Asia Pacific
region again because he is a good sport, but since he is on the Council,
it would be nice if we could get someone else. 

Most important of all, let us not forget that the Chair needs to be
re-elected as well. This issue is conspicuously absent from your
message, Carlos! 

So you are leaving us in suspense....please make your intentions