>>> Carlos Afonso <[log in to unmask]> 12/18/2006 6:15 AM >>>
>the chair we had in the past with resources 
>to do all chores was Milton (who has a flock of "slaves" :) 
>-- his PhD students

I'm a bit offended by this. First, I have a grand total of two doctoral
students, not a "flock," who are interested and involved in internet
governance enough to be seriously helpful. Of those only one (Mawaki)
has the time to deal with NCUC. Second, the terminology "slaves" is not
funny, although I 'm sure you intended it to be. What you must
understand about doctoral students is that they have major obligations
to fulfill, such as taking courses and doing research work. And our
obligation as professors is to treat them as "junior colleagues" with
whom we engage intellectually, not as people who slouch around waiting
for orders.