Milton, you are absolutely right -- no offense intended, of course, but
sometimes we get out of our way to make some point. Sorry for this.

I have been, as you were as well, a doctoral student, and know what one
has to endure to get through the obstacles. In my case, for some
teachers, I was a true slave, unfortunately, but not for most. I am sure
you are not among the first ones, so I repeat my apology.

fraternal rgds


Milton Mueller wrote:
>>>> Carlos Afonso <[log in to unmask]> 12/18/2006 6:15 AM >>>
>> the chair we had in the past with resources 
>> to do all chores was Milton (who has a flock of "slaves" :) 
>> -- his PhD students
> I'm a bit offended by this. First, I have a grand total of two doctoral
> students, not a "flock," who are interested and involved in internet
> governance enough to be seriously helpful. Of those only one (Mawaki)
> has the time to deal with NCUC. Second, the terminology "slaves" is not
> funny, although I 'm sure you intended it to be. What you must
> understand about doctoral students is that they have major obligations
> to fulfill, such as taking courses and doing research work. And our
> obligation as professors is to treat them as "junior colleagues" with
> whom we engage intellectually, not as people who slouch around waiting
> for orders. 
> .