Hello Robert,

Those of us that have actually participated in the
GNSO PDP process sadly understand that this template
has been overtaken by events and is widely disregarded
by those that are active in the policy development
process.  The template points to a 95-day timeline to
complete a policy development initiative -- the GNSO
is currently incapable of working at that pace.

By way of example, the Issues Report for the new gTLDs
PDP was released on 5 December 2005 -- so far, its
been 439 days and counting.

At one point it was indeed possible to work within the
suggested time frame; that was when the DNSO was
willing to have open working groups where everyone
with an interest in DNS policy could contribute (you
didn't need to be a constituency appointee).  An
example was the Reform WG tasked with forming
recommendations on DNSO Reform.  That group completed
its work within the established time frame.  

Of course, since the recommendations put forth by the
public within that timeframe threatened the existing
stakeholders by calling for the establishment of a
registrants constituency within the DNSO, no more open
Working Groups were allowed and reasonable timeframes
thereafter went out the window.

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