
On 4 apr 2007, at 15.35, Carlos Afonso wrote:

> I also think it has become crystal clear that TLDs which  
> combination of
> letters might confront resistance (of cultural, legal or similar  
> nature)
> in one or more countries or communities, should in principle be
> discarded, thus avoiding the protracted and frustrating (and  
> expensive!)
> via crucis for both the Board and the applicants.

how deep do you think this list needs to be?

might not any word in the bible, koran or other holy book,  encounter  
resistance if all do not like how it will be used or spelled.

and how many names and nicknames are there for every single prurient  
body part and bodily function?

or curse words, or their derivatives.  for how long would even  
neowords like frackin or frilling survive off the discard list?
