Hi Karen,

I was at the meeting and can clarify.

The point you have arrowed recognizes that ALAC is not restricted to GNSO
(as is NCUC).  ALAC has a direct relationship with the Board, and the
suggestion is that it maintain this relationship moving forward.

The idea is to increase formal and informal relationships between NCUC and
ALAC without necessarily changing the organizational location of either
group in the ICANN overall structure.  ALAC remains an advisory committee,
and NCUC remains part of the GNSO, within whatever stakeholder grouping
arrangement that finally results from the org modification.


> hi milton
>>Here is the slide set I presented at the joint
>>ALAC-NCUC meeting yesterday. It describes the
>>basic approach to reforms that found favor among
>>the assembled group. Comments and criticisms welcome.
>>Izumi, Carlos, feel free to forward to ALAC lists
> thanks for this.. i'll forward to europe ALAC also..
> can you explain what this means (last slide)?
> ALAC and the GNSO and beyond…
> - Retain separate role for At Large
> - All-ICANN, not just domain names <=== ???
> Elect Board members?
> - But…facilitate movement of interested  individuals and ALSs into GNSO
> - Check box on ALS application regarding  their
> desire to participate also in GNSO
> karen