I have seen enough "public campaigns" organized by totalitarian systems - disregarding what is right and replacing it by what is wrong on the basis of "the people's will"

Sorry - that is how I feel when I see such stuff.



[log in to unmask] wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
It doesn't surprise me.  They hate the idea of privacy.
Would anyone like to work with me on a set of comments that organizations in NCUC might submit?
Would anyone submit comments if we wrote an outline of the key issues and the supports for the direction of the Whois WG and our NCUC representatives (pro-OPOC, pro-privacy)?
Best, Kathy
Another orchestrated campaign by the Intellectual
Property Community -- see the posts at http://forum.icann.org/lists/whois-comments-2007/index.html

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