Thanks for sharing the new Intellectual Property Constituency  proposal. It 
reminds me of a proposal a number of years ago by the World  Health 
Organization to "own" the names of major diseases and medicines online  in gTLDs.  The 
proposal was ridiculous, and we blocked it  quickly.
How seriously do you think ICANN will take the IPC proposal? 

A new  proposal from the Intellectual Property Constituency to create new 
rights  for Inter-Governmental Organizations (like the World Trade 
Organization)  that do not exist in law.  

On a quick look, it appears that this  proposal is (not surprisingly) 
broad enough to be used to prevent WTO  protesters and the like from 
using the IGO's name or abbreviation in a  domain name and thus tarnish 
the name of the IGO.

I guess ICANN  doesn't have anything more important to do than create 
special rights for  the WTO to squelch criticism these  days.


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