Dear members:


According to our charter, "An elected representative of the Executive
Committee is deemed to resign his/her position when the said officer
fails to vote in time in four (4) consecutive EC votes."


I'm sorry to say that our current EC representative from the African
region has missed virtually all votes in the past year and has not
responded to emails. I think it is time to declare the position vacant. 


If there are other members from the African region who would like to
fill this position on an interim basis until the Fall elections please
let me know. 


Being on the NCUC Executive Committee is really not that difficult. All
it requires is that you attend to occasional decisions that need to be
made in a timely manner. 


These decisions include such things as: approval of membership
applications, requests for funds, and occasional requests for comments.
Typically, it takes about 5 minutes at most to review a membership
application. You can engage in some discussion about it, but what it
really requires is that you simply pay attention and respond in a timely


Although the time and effort required by these decisions is not that
much, it is extremely debilitating to our work to sit in that position
and not respond to requests for action. It literally paralyzes the