
My understanding is that three people have been publicly nominated for the Nominating Committee positions:
In order of receipt they are:

1.      Kim Heitman, EFF Australia
2.      Cheryl Preston, CP80 Foundation
3.      Norbert Klein, Open Institute of Cambodia

Did I miss anyone?
I also received a private self-nomination for a 4th person but as Chair I want to stay out of making any nominations, so if that person wishes to place his/her name in nomination publicly now is the time to do it.

The Executive Committee makes the selection, we do not have a membership vote. However, over the next three days I would ask all nominees to provide a bio about themselves to the public list, and I would encourage all members who support specific nominees to express it on the list along with their reasons.

with no disrespect to either kim or cheryl - (and we're lucky to have 3 good nominations) i would like to support norbert - i have known and worked with norbert for many years now, from the time he first setup the first email centre in cambodia back in the early 90's - he's very familiar with ICANN issues, sensitive to bringing marginilised perspectives (re issues and people), is well connected, known and respected and will bring a certain wiseness and ability to build concensus to the nomcom

my experience of working with the nomcom this past two years has taught me an awful lot about ICANN - probably the most striking aspect was the openness and genunine interest of nomcom members to diversify the candidate pool (whilst ensuring some degree of continuity) - particularly in terms of gender, geopgraphy and linguistic diversity.. whilst not underestimating the knowledge, experience, professionalism and integrity that is needed for nomcom candidates..

the NCUC nominee (well, certainly in my case) is looked to specifically i think, to bring in some of this diversity.. particularly from developing countries.. which is also brought i found, particularly by the technical and ALAC nominees..

it is hard work, and regular work.. so not to be taken lightly ;) particularly if you want to do it well.. and one aspect which i don't feel i handled as well this year, as in the previous, was the initial outreach to inform potential candidates - which really, needs to start round about now..

i look forward to helping with outreach in this respect and in any other ways i can ..
