Dear NCUC,

Below is a message from Ken Bour, ICANN consultant, with instructions on how to complete the GNSO Constituency survey.   I'd like to encourage you all to take a few minutes and participate in the ICANN survey.   (Send any questions about it to Ken Bour at the email address [log in to unmask]).


Dear Non-Commercial Users Constituency Member:


The ICANN Policy Staff, in cooperation with the GNSO, is seeking to collect broad based feedback on a number of GNSO Improvement recommendations approved by the ICANN Board (for reference links, see bottom of this message).   In keeping with ICANN's bottom-up consensus model, the objective is to encourage extensive community input that can  provide a foundation of opinions, comments, ideas and suggestions that will lead to informed, useful, and effective programs designed to enhance all GNSO constituencies.


An online survey has been developed that focuses on four specific areas of the GNSO Improvements relating to constituencies:


(1)     Developing a standardized "Toolkit" of services;
(2)     Creating a centralized membership registry or database;
(3)     Knowledge/skill training for leaders and members; and
(4)     Recruiting/outreach programs associated with constituency growth and expansion.


Constituency members are encouraged to participate in this GNSO Constituency Survey.  The collective results and tabulations will become input to various working teams/groups chartered to develop approaches and solutions for GNSO Improvements consistent with the Board-approved recommendations.  Your candid and honest feedback is appreciated and will be treated anonymously.   You are being asked respond to the questions as an individual and not in any representative capacity that you may hold as part of this constituency.


Staff has provided the following instructions regarding the survey:


You may provide input beginning Monday, October 27th – December 2nd at which point the survey will be closed to further responses.  [Note:  recently extended to Sunday, December 14th]


To access the survey, please enter the following link into your web browser


Please read and follow the directions carefully once you reach the introduction page.   You will be asked for some registration information and we urge you to provide a valid email address because it will be used to send a confirmation of your survey responses along with a link to return to the site in the event that you were unable to complete it on the first visit.


You will need the following 8 character PIN that authorizes access to the survey:


Access PIN:    NCUC-831    (...for Non-Commercial Users Constituency ONLY)


This PIN is case-sensitive, so please be careful when entering.   If you make a mistake, there are successively longer wait periods before you can reenter the PIN.


There is no ID or Password required to take the survey, only the PIN.  For security reasons, please DO NOT release this PIN to anyone not specifically invited or authorized to participate in this survey.


If you have questions or encounter any technical difficulties with the survey, please forward an email to:  [log in to unmask].


Thank you for your cooperation and participation,



Background Documents (February 2008):


Summary GNSO Improvements Recommendations (BGC-WG Report):


Full GNSO Improvement Recommendations (BGC-WG Report):


Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
w:     e: [log in to unmask]