On Tuesday, 2 December 2008 22:23:42 Harold Feld wrote:

> Has anyone done a summary in English of the new gTLD process for
> non-profits?  I have received some requests by organizations with
> which I work and before creating anything new, I thought I would
> ask.  The target audience are those who run non-commercial
> organization in the United States who have heard there may be more
> to-level domains soon and would like some general idea of what is
> going on so they can decide if they should care.
> Many thanks,
> Harold Feld
> Senior Vice President
> Media Access Project

I am not aware that there is a summary - I think it is extremely frustrating - 
and discouraging - that the entry stage of the process is so complex.

Norbert Klein

Phnom Penh/Cambodia
PGP key-id 0x0016D0A9

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