Hi everyone

Please note that the public comment period for the new gTLDs has just been extended to December 15 (for the English posting): http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-03dec08-en.htm

I agree that it's awfully time-consuming, and not particularly easy, to navigate through and figure out ICANN processes, documents and materials, especially if one is new to the organization, people and procedures. FWIW we are fortunate to have some experienced and knowledgeable folks in NCUC who have been involved in the GNSO Council and other leadership roles within the ICANN community (e.g. Norbert, Milton, Robin, Carlos Afonso and Carlos Affonso, just to name a few), so I'd urge anyone with questions to ask for their and the community's advice (as I have, with much gratitude!)


>An ICANN summary here: