1. I can only fully join in this appreciation.

2. I add my appreciation for the brief and clear descriptive summary Mary 
provided us here.

It is a continuing problem that much of the documentations needed in our work 
is long and difficult to read - and to add brief introductory explanations is 
therefore often crucial to open the way to read and appreciate the whole 

Thanks to all.

Norbert Klein


On Saturday, 28 February 2009 23:30:33 Mary Wong wrote:

> I just wanted to place on public record my appreciation to Milton, Robin
> and everyone else who contributed feedback, suggestions and their time
> towards completing and submitting the current NCSG proposed charter. In
> particular, I wanted to thank Milton for taking on the original, daunting
> task of proposing language and ideas to meet the ICANN Board's
> restructuring goals as well as various (and sometimes conflicting)
> critiques and suggestions from a number of constituents and other groups,
> and Robin for preparing a succinct yet comprehensive (and to my mind
> persuasive) summary of the proposal to the Board. Everyone involved also
> handled external relations tactfully and well.
> Even if some of our members may disagree with specific aspects of the
> proposal, I believe we can all agree on the fact that it was a thankless
> and difficult task, and that those who took it on accomplished a lot in
> time-straitened and occasionally difficult circumstances.
> Best,
> Mary

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Valentine’s Day Troubles
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http://cambodiamirror.wordpress.com (English)
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