On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Rafik Dammak <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello there,

Thanks to Brenden for work done at NCUC network. NING is more social network than website. maybe some people are familiar to use http://diploig.ning.com/ which is the network of diplifoundation community.

Thanks Rafik. You're right, it's a social network platform, which allows all Members to contribute.  It's really the only way a organizationally lightweight entity like NCUC can create a thriving web presence. Members can easily contribute content, organize, discuss, etc.  (So if any members have yet to join, do it today! http://icann-ncuc.ning.com/main/authorization/signUp?)

@Brenden I think that is good work is done through IGPAlert account in twitter, we should create NCUC account for official annoucements etc. I observed that there are many people from ICANN community in twitter even the new CEO and we can also reach more people.

Agree completely with need for Twitter account. I registered NonComUC (closest I could get to 'NCUC') over the weekend for this purpose. Has anyone else registered a better account handle?  I believe people have also been using #NCUC tag in tweets as well.

we have also the facebook page which is good channel.

Again, I agree, it is a good opportunity to build publicity for NCUC, but we need to make sure that anyone who wants to be a Member (and contribute to NCUC's policy making activities) joins http://icann-ncuc.ning.com/

We have to create enough noise to voice our ideas.
I agree with Rebecca that content should be accessible to non expert and we can focus on multilinguism too (I can volunteer sometimes for translation to french or/and arabic), the challenge is to extent our community and reach more people. and have more people with different background will be great.

Thanks for the offer Rafik! Absolutely, anyone who wants to provide translation, or ways in which we can  improve multilingualism of the new site, is encouraged to do so!

On a related note, I would encourage members to use their "My Page" to share information about yourself or organization.  E.g., you can add a RSS for you blog or Twitter feed, so NCUC members can see what your organization is working on.  Fellow NCUC member, Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V., provides a great example of how you can use the page to build awareness and drive traffic to your site. <http://icann-ncuc.ning.com/profile/AktionFreiheitstattAngsteV> (BTW - we'll be following up with our organizational members soon so you can display both your organizations logo and your individual picture on the site)





2009/7/5 Brenden Kuerbis <[log in to unmask]>


Yes, a great suggestion, and thanks for joining the site so quickly! 

I just threw a page up on the new website, any Member can add/edit it, and it should be viewable to all visitors to the site shortly:


Some of us will be putting up some content this evening.  We can feature a link to this page on the front page as well.

A featured blog post on the topic would be great too, e.g., when we submit comments on IRT. Anyone can submit one, for now Administrators must approve before they appear on front page.

BTW - if any others on the list have yet to join the new website, please do so!




On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Kathy Kleiman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
This is an excellent idea to post the NCUC papers about the IRT report in a single, accessible place.
Re: making the ideas accessible to those who did not write them, and non-native English speakers,
we could definitely use your expert assistance!

But first we have a comment deadline of this Monday for our NCUC written comments on the IRT.
I am working on them now.

A lot of work for a small group of people... but with your help (everyone in NCUC), we can write comments,
and have good representation of our views at the NY, London and Hong Kong public comment sessions.
Please join us (and send names of people/organizations we should invite!)


Suggestion: can somebody post all the NCUCs position papers, letters and comments on the IRT on the NCUC website? In an acessible manner that might make sense to non native English speakers? It would also be useful to have a concise 1-page post at the front of the NCUC site for ppl not already familiar w the IRT (or more than general knowledge of ICANN) explaining "why the Irt is bad for free expression". without such materials online it will be difficult for to rally ppl to attend the HK meeting. There needs to be an easy one stop shop where people can go to bone up on everything they need to know and all relevant links to where they can go for more. Right now it's all way too inside baseball and not accessible for the general public or even people in the free speech / ip community who aren't ICANN insiders.

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On Jul 3, 2009, at 3:39 PM, Kathy Kleiman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

And following up on Bill's posting,
This London Consultation allows everyone to comment - and criticize - the IRT Proposals for overexpansion of trademark rights (a big part of our focus in Sydney).
It is a very important opportunity to speak.

Please attend!  Can you come? 

The more NCUC organizations and individuals who can come, the better. Konstantinos will be leading our NCUC charge in London (hooray!), but one person is not enough. Trademark interests will be there in force and Konstantinos needs support from other NCUC at the microphones. Let's continue our work from Sydney in London -- and continue to voice strong and clear opposition to the IRT Report.

Please let me know if you would like any links or comments re: noncommercial concerns about the IRT report-- any materials to help prepare a short presentation for London.


Kathy Kleiman, Esq.
Co-Founder, NCUC


GNSO staff have asked me to call this to people's attention.  There will be a New gTLDs global outreach and consultation event in London on 15 July 2009 at the Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London, W1B 1AD. It's free an open to anyone interested in knowing more about the program, sharing views, etc. http://www.registration123.com/ICANN/GTLD/



William J. Drake  
Senior Associate
Centre for International Governance
Graduate Institute of International and
  Development Studies
Geneva, Switzerland