Here is ICANN's announcement calling for Statements of Interest from those interested in volunteering to be appointed by the board to represent noncommercial users:

"... Of the four new Stakeholder Group Charters approved by the Board last week, this temporary seat selection by the Board is unique to the NCSG. It reflects a fundamental view that the current non-commercial community participation in the GNSO is not yet sufficiently diverse or robust to select all six of the NCSG's allocated Council seats (as was originally intended by the Board's GNSO Improvements initiative)...." 

ICANN claims we are not "sufficiently diverse or robust enough to select all six" GNSO Council seats.  Yet NCUC represents 137 noncommercial organizations and individuals from 48 countries.  Our membership has increased by 205% since the parity principle was established.  There never was any bar for us to meet - that rhetoric was invented by the commercial constituencies and selectively adopted by ICANN staff to justify why 137 noncommercial organizations and individuals are not entitled to elect their own representation.

Too bad noncommercial users will not be given electoral parity with commercial users as the BGC originally promised.  Another empty promise, another rigged process.  ICANN is more aggressive than ever in squeezing out noncommercial users in policy development.  So sad.


Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
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