Thanks for doing this Jorge! Using other platforms to build awareness about NCUC is great, particularly when it targets specific communities (e.g., business) who might often have similar viewpoints on policy issues the NCUC is addressing in ICANN. 

Can you incorporate rss feed from the website at into the Linked In website, so anyone who visits there has the latest news, etc.? If so, here are some feeds:

Blog Posts:
Latest Activity:
List Posts:

And we can always create others if you think something in particular might be useful.

Also, we probably want to make it clear on the Linked In site (as well as any other social networking platforms, like Facebook) that our official membership roster is maintained on, and encourage individuals and organizations interested in participating in NCUC and policy-making activities to register at


Brenden Kuerbis
Internet Governance Project

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Jorge Amodio <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi There,

in another effort to reach out and expand NCUC's on-line presence I just
created a new group for us at LinkedIn.

If you are a LinkedIn user and are interested to join the group and share
contacts (contact sharing is not required to join the group and your
contact information will be available only to group members), please
feel free to visit the following link:

Currently I'm the sole member and administrator of the group, to avoid
nuisances I'll not approve requests to join from head hunters, telemarketers,
or mega-contact collectors.

Best Regards