Dear everyone, 

You may probably know already, but I would like to remind you that there will be a Conference on Internet Governance at Seoul National University on Oct. 23rd in the afternoon. Any of you who will be in Seoul at the time are more than welcome to join the conference. 

Participatns include Milton Mueller, Rebecca MacKinnon, YJ Park, Wolfgang Kleinwachter, Peng Hwa Ang, and Eung Hwi Chun, whom you must know very well. So I am sure that there will be very interesting discussions. 

The detailed program is the following. I wish you make a safe trip to Seoul and enjoy the beautiful autumn here. If any of you get lost after you arrive or encounter something that is beyond your expectation and do not know where to turn to, you may give me a call at 010-3376-3255. 

Best regards, 

Jisuk Woo, Ph.D., J.D.
Associate Professor 
Graduate School of Public Administration
Seoul National University




Welcoming Remarks (2:00pm ~ 2:10pm)

Jong Won Choi, Dean of


of Public Administration, SNU


I.                   Paper Session (2:10pm ~ 3:30pm)



Dong Wook Kim (GSPA, SNU)


Milton Mueller (
Syracuse University, 
): Civil Society Participation and ICANN's Accountability

Young Eum Lee (Korea National Open University): The Governance Process in the Introduction of IDNs : new gTLDs and IDN ccTLDs


Jisuk Woo (GSPA, SNU)

Eung Hwi Chun (Green


Coffee Break (3:30pm ~ 3:50pm)


II.                Roundtable Discussion Session (3:50pm ~ 5:30pm)

The Present and Future of Internet Governance from an Asian Perspective



Joon Hyung Hong (GSPA, SNU)


William Drake (Graduate Institute of Int’l and Development Studies, )

Rebecca MacKinnon (
University of Hong Kong, 

Wolfgang Kleinwäechter (
University of Aarhus, 

Peng Hwa Ang (Nanyang Technological University /
MICOR Center, 

YJ Park (Delft
University of Technology, 

Milton Mueller (
Syracuse University, 


III. Dinner hosted by KISA