After some more discussions, I think we might need to work something into this statement about special conditions related to the dominance of the registrar market. 
If a registrar holds more than 50% of the registrations in gTLDs we might not want it to be subject to some of the more liberalized conditions proposed in the statement.
Here is another situation in which NCUC can contribute to a more rational dialogue:  all the registries are afraid to talk about GoDaddy, which holds a very large part of the market in gTLDs, for fear of alienating their channel to the customer. I think we are in a position to talk about this rather objectively and without bias. 
From: Non-Commercial User Constituency [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Milton L Mueller [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:16 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Proposed NCUC position on registry-registrar joint marketing on new TLDs

Dear members:
Here is my first draft of a proposed position statement on the controversial "separation" issue. I have run this by our Council members and Executive Committee; while few of them have had time to discuss in detail I don't think there are major objections; at any rate it is open for discussion now and we need to get a position out because the rest of the GNSO is looking to us to come up with a position not prejudiced by commercial interest.
